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Business Ethics And Policy

Fast Printing is committed to run sustainable business and to be an overall positive contributor to people, communities, and the environment.


We believe honesty, integrity and fair play are important corporate values, and further extending to set our Code of Conduct. It is our ruling to all staff members to comply with our Business Ethics and Policy.


We aspire to identify and respond to climate change risks and opportunities in managing our property portfolio and work towards carbon neutrality in our operations, development as well as business activities. 


At Fast Printing, we pay special attention in waste & resource management, and to utilize resources optimally for maximum lifecycle and disposal of waste without harming the environment. To maximize the reuse and recycling of materials while minimizing waste volumes will result minimizing waste to landfill.

We select and communicate with suppliers and/or subcontractors who share same Code of Conduct on environmental, health and safety, human and social rights expectations as we do.


We fully complied with the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance with restrictions to all employees – and in particular, relationship with Suppliers, Contractors and any third parties - on accepting or giving advantages, loans, engagement in frequent gambling or related games of any kind, lavish or frequent entertainment, or gifts/souvenirs on festive or special occasions (which are subject to a maximum limit of HK$300.00 in value) in connection with one’s official duties, whether directly or indirectly through a company or organization or third party for the purpose of influencing such in any dealings, or any public official when conducting related business are prohibited. All staff members are adhered to follow from their first day of employment.


If a full-time staff member wishes to take up concurrent employment, either

on a regular or consulting basis, they must seek prior written approval, whereas approving authority should take into consideration whether the employment would pose a conflict of interest with the staff member’s duties in Fast Printing.


Every Fast Printing staff member is responsible to understand and comply with the company’s Ethics Policy, whether performing the duties in Fast Printing or outside Hong Kong. Any staff member in breach of such will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of appointment. In case of suspected corruption or criminal offences, a report will be made to the ICAC or the appropriate law enforcement agencies.


We fully complied with Local Laws in Other Jurisdictions when dealing with and conducting our business and those in other jurisdictions.

Fast Printing Company Limited

Enquiry : 電郵查詢

Hotline : 熱線查詢:(852) 2817-2955

Hong Kong Office : 香港辦公室:香港柴灣吉勝街12號達藝工業中心 415室,1407室,1408室

Flat 415, 1407, 1408, Decca Industrial Centre, 12 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong


© 1985-2023 Fast Printing Company Limited All Rights Reserved.

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